Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Framing Day 5 - Main floor

Ongoing amazement at what a difference a day makes; a whole lot of the first floor framing was done today. The stairwell and family room walls are still to do, but it's a much better sense of the space. We had to make a tweak on a door opening for the study, so that is also incomplete. There's a good chance of rain tomorrow, so we might not get a lot more progress until later in the week.

Looking a little different out front now

Looking up to mudroom from garage

View from inside kitchen towards powder and mudroom area

Breakfast nook

Gap for fridge recess (and pantry) on the left, opening to
butler's pantry on the right

From foyer into dining room

View from kitchen down main hall to front doors


Playroom and media closet

Back view

Back view from top of the mud pile

Mara really, really loves the grading equipment

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how fast they can get the framing up? Wow. Looks like a house! I'm impressed by how neat the builders seem to be, too. Everything looks organized and clean.
