Monday, June 13, 2016

Framing Day 4 - Main floor subfloor

Looks like the basement is just about complete and it has been cleaned of most debris. Still some cross-supports in place, but we were really able to see the space well today.  The first floor "deck" is now in place. Chalk lines are down showing where the first floor framing will stand. Much like we experienced in the basement - the spaces seem small without walls for scale.

Current main view

View from the mudroom area, looking towards kitchen,
family room, playroom

From back of family room, looking towards the front door

From front door looking towards stairs (the cut out)
and playroom

From front door looking towards family room and
breakfast area (bumped out part at the back)

From pantry-ish area, the mudroom and powder room

Playroom and stairwell cutout again

Looking into basement from main doors

Similar shot from main doors

Outside view of mechanical/storage under playroom

The craft room aka guest room we can't call a bedroom

Exercise room

Door from exercise to mechanical/storage room

Stairwell cutout on the left, closet door framing on the right

Mara inside the outdoor storage/mechanical room

Full view from the back

There's a beautiful Beech tree between the house and the pond. Big and tall and a pretty shape. It has a swing hanging from a long limb that extends towards the pond. We've always thought it must be pretty old and maybe not so safe... But Matt got brave and tried it out. It's sturdy! We all got to test it out and Mara loves it. I forsee a lot of swinging in our future. You can see the pond needs a lot of TLC around the banks in addition to the turbid water. We are trying not to feel overwhelmed by that yet.

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