Monday, June 27, 2016

Framing Day 14

A big day of work, lots of visible changes. We have a roofline!  They built the stairs up to the attic, attic flooring is down (mostly), and started framing the roof. They also got up lots more sheathing around the outside and built a couple of temporary steps and a ramp to get in and out through the front door. Lots of pictures, I tried really hard to pare down but this is the best I could do.  Tomorrow looks like rain; rest of the week is iffy, too. Our GC said framing may be complete by the 11th.




Daddy and Mara checking out the back view from the

A view up from inside the playroom

Scoping out the Media closet

View towards front door/soon-to-be porch

From dining room looking into study

From study looking into dining room

Kitchen and breakfast nook

Family room - the upper windows still need cut outs

In the upstairs hallway 

Master bedroom

Mara's bedroom

View from inside Mara's room towards the buddy bath
and across to the extra bedroom

Upstairs in the ATTIC!

Up close view of the roof line

Mara loving on some more heavy equipment

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