Friday, June 3, 2016


Once again weather cooperated and the rain held off! Thursday and Friday this week were spent on roughing in plumbing in the basement and preparing for the basement slab. They also backfilled dirt around the foundation and smoothed things out some more. The slopes of the lot look nicer; it's easier to imagine how the yard will eventually shape up.

Next week's forecast is bright and clear. Basement slab should be poured and framing will start as scheduled. We should have a more interesting progression of pictures as the framing goes up.

A little lens flare on this sunny evening

backfill dirt in the garages

Mara looooooves the bulldozer

At the back corner of the garage, looking towards back yard

Back wall of garage and retaining wall

All the white pipes poking up are the roughed-in plumbing;
gravel laid down in preparation for the slab next week.

Full view of the basement.

Porch side of the house headed back toward driveway

Dad and Mara checking out the future basement

"Craft" room, basement bath, and retaining wall

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