Thursday, June 30, 2016

Framing Day 16

All the main house roof appears to be up today. They started some work for the front porch. Still need a roof on the playroom and breakfast nook, plus the structure for the back porch, deck, and stairs. Hoping for a dry day tomorrow and improvement to the current forecast for the week ahead. Just some exterior photos today.

You can see the Master bathroom windows over the garage

Late day sunshine and the start of a porch

Garage and master areas

Back view - and you can see the front porch starting

Back view with almost all the roofs

Back side of garages and master bedroom

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Framing Day 15

More roof progress, more sheathing.  Rained yesterday as expected but today was beautiful (until 30 minutes ago).  Hopefully tomorrow and Friday stay dry enough to get some more done.

Clipped gables! A roof over the master bedroom!

A ceiling over the family room!

Still waiting for the shed roof over the breakfast nook

We aren't fully "dried-in" yet, so rainy weather is a bummer.

Up there is Grandma's room!!

Attic main

Roof progress

View toward attic stairs

The front peak

Standing over the family room

Knee wall

Matt testing out the new "throne room"

Mara kept popping squats after she saw daddy do it

Whoa that's a lot of house.

Full back view - missing upper window cut outs in
family room and shed roof over breakfast area

Playroom side

Monday, June 27, 2016

Framing Day 14

A big day of work, lots of visible changes. We have a roofline!  They built the stairs up to the attic, attic flooring is down (mostly), and started framing the roof. They also got up lots more sheathing around the outside and built a couple of temporary steps and a ramp to get in and out through the front door. Lots of pictures, I tried really hard to pare down but this is the best I could do.  Tomorrow looks like rain; rest of the week is iffy, too. Our GC said framing may be complete by the 11th.




Daddy and Mara checking out the back view from the

A view up from inside the playroom

Scoping out the Media closet

View towards front door/soon-to-be porch

From dining room looking into study

From study looking into dining room

Kitchen and breakfast nook

Family room - the upper windows still need cut outs

In the upstairs hallway 

Master bedroom

Mara's bedroom

View from inside Mara's room towards the buddy bath
and across to the extra bedroom

Upstairs in the ATTIC!

Up close view of the roof line

Mara loving on some more heavy equipment

Friday, June 24, 2016

Framing Day 13

Matt visited today; main visible difference is more sheathing around the house - they wrapped the full back and sides with the exception of the front part of the second floor. I believe they are done with the joists to start work on the attic; but I don't think they've worked on those stairs yet. There was a huge delivery of materials today; next week's forecast is iffy so we'll see what's next and how much they can get done.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Framing Day 12

A variety of work happened today... Second floor ceilings, more work around the 2-story family room, and they started the exterior sheathing.  Matt is home (hooray!!) so we ventured inside and went upstairs for the first time. It's fun to see each bedroom, the hallway, the new laundry room. Still lots of work to come but it really feels like our house.

It was a pretty terrible day heat-wise, with high humidity. We were cranky just walking around to see how it looked.  We had storms last night and there is more rain coming down now. Tomorrow's forecast has a chance for more rain, too. Sad trombone.

Lots of pictures today but the cross-supports all over the place make it really hard to see if you don't already know what you're looking at. We're posting them anyway, if only for our ourselves - hopefully soon it will be easier to see what things are.

Exterior sheathing

Wrapped garages

Family room

From the top of the stairs - Daddy and Mara are standing
near the overlook for the upstairs hallway

Bedroom 1 

A view into the master bedroom

Master bathroom 

Walk-through master closet

Master tray ceiling and triple window

Inside guest bedroom, laundry is on the right (can't really
see in photo), looking into hallway towards Bedroom 2

The overlook into the Family room - can't wait for there
to be a handrail for this, yikes.

Family room ceiling and upper windows

Inside study, looking across to dining room

Front hallway looking towards kitchen

Inside the double garage