Thursday, October 27, 2016

DIY Finishes

The end is near; we have a final walk through tomorrow and we move on Saturday. Workers have been touching up paint, pressure washing and cleaning, and fixing other last-minute stuff. We took off work yesterday and today/tomorrow to tackle a couple of DIY projects before we move in.

Matt finished up all the AV stuff - speakers & wiring. Everything works! And looks and sounds good too.  That's been a huge project on his part and it's a relief to test stuff and find it working as planned. DirecTV hooked up the satellite dish yesterday and Time Warner is pretty much finished running the internet stuff. We put some shelves in the media closet yesterday and Matt hooked up the essentials.

While he was doing that yesterday, I managed to hang blinds in all the upstairs bed/bathrooms for light control and privacy. Nice to get those knocked out and not have to deal with when we're already tired and grungy from moving. Definitely wanted to get Mara's room done right away to make it as comfortable and sleep-friendly as possible for Saturday nap.  The main floor and basement ones can be done as we have time and energy.

This morning we installed about 900 square feet of garage flooring. We were cautiously optimistic about the installation process and everything went as good or better than expected. We got the entire main field laid down in about 3 hours. Spent roughly another 3 hours with the finishing pieces.  They all involved cuts using Matt's new table saw.  Finished product came out great.

Media closet

Garage before

Garage before

Garage after

Almost complete!

Completed garage

Completed garage

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