Sunday, August 7, 2016

Spray foam and siding continue

The batt insulation is done and spray foam (for attic and garage ceiling under the master) started yesterday. More siding is up at the back of the house - very excited to see that progress. We got a few more interior photos today before drywall goes up. We're not sure what day that will start but it should be soon.

Family room

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2 (Mara's room)

Buddy bath between BR1 and BR2


Grandmas' room

Grandmas' bath & closet



Master bath

Master shower. Linen on left, throne room on right.

Walk-through master closet

Master BR looking out towards hallway

Attic spray foam

Attic peak

Attic work in progress

Front-facing peak

Siding continues

1 comment:

  1. Oooooooh! The siding is looking really nice! Is it any cooler inside with the insulation in?

    I wonder what Mara is thinking when she's in there....looks kind of like an organized forest.
