Friday, September 23, 2016

Driveway, paint, and counters

Big week, but not without a lot of headaches. The dirt we had added to the driveway got dumped on with rain early this week, before they finished spreading gravel on top. The bottom 1/3 of the driveway turned into a mud hole and made it nearly impossible for workers to get to the house. Painters persevered and trudged through on foot to prep and prime, but we had counters scheduled for delivery today and there would have been no way for the truck to safely get down the driveway as it was. Thanks to some incredibly short-notice help from a local grading guy this morning, the mud got scraped off and topped with fresh gravel in time for the counter delivery at 11 a.m. When we went inside today for the first time all week, it was a huge relief to see all the work that was done.

Paint is going up throughout the house; primer and a first coat of all the colors is already on the walls, though splotchy/thin for now. The upper corner cabinet in our mudroom was brought in (apparently post prime-day, it still needs a coat). And of course our counter tops and sinks are now installed! It makes the kitchen and baths feel much more complete. We're very happy with the white quartz.

Masons have the bigger half of the front porch wrapped in stone, it's looking good. the rainy days have slowed progress on that work, too.  But what's done looks great and we look forward to seeing the rest of it (not to mention the column bases and finished porch columns, ceiling, and metal roof).

Driveway slope has definitely improved, so hopefully that's worth the stress we experienced all week over it. It's a little lumpy-bumpy but we'll get that smoothed out with final grading and finish gravel.

Kitchen counters!

Long view

Apron-front sink

Primed pantry shelves

butler's pantry counter

Dining room in 'Dovetail' with lots of over-spray on the trim
right now; will look better when trim gets painted

'Mindful Gray' in the family room (and in these ceiling boxes
too  -again with over-spray on all the trim for now)

Mudroom bench will have a stained benchtop.
Those are doors for the study cabinets that need priming.

Upper cabinet for our "drop zone" (keys and cell phones)

Powder room sink and counter

Study shelves

Study opening

Playroom cubbies and 'Contented' green walls

Laundry sink and counter, walls also in 'Contented.'
Colors look pretty similar with such low light right now.

Master bathroom counter and sinks

Maggie's side of the master closet

Matt's side of the Master closet

Matt's side from the front

Maggie's side from the front

Master bedroom is also being painted in 'Dovetail'

Basement bath counter and sink

All bathrooms are 'Mindful Gray'

Basement main walls are also 'Mindful Gray'

Front porch - it's done around the side, too, but too muddy
to wander over for photos today

Driveway in much better shape.

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