Monday, May 16, 2016

Foundation ready

Last week's weather fortunately wasn't as bad as forecasted. Good progress was made on the grading and driveway work, as we saw last week. They also began cutting out for the basement. We stopped by on Saturday morning to take a look around for ourselves. The biggest change was being able to drive down the driveway! But you still have to back out right now, which is tricky.

Looking down from the cul de sac

Rip rap in the ditch to the left of the drive 

Looking back up the driveway from the low spot

Future basement!

Some kind of front corner

Long view of the driveway

Pond still doing okay - erosion control is in place to minimize mud

It's a long walk up hill for little legs

We went back again on Sunday to meet with our builder and talk about house placement/positioning.  The way our lot lays out with septic fields, well location and space requirement, stream buffers, pond buffers, and the property line, it's not as easy to figure out where to set the house down as you'd want to think. We had some big concerns about the placement pushing too close to the west side property line - putting our back deck basically in the trees and making for a very weird back yard. After a lot of back and forth between Sunday and today, I think we've finally got it right.  Matt went over today after work and what a difference one full day of work made.  They finished the digging and final grading. Everything's looking much smoother and we should be ready to pour footings. 

Big dirt piles will become topsoil once the foundation is in 

New, final cuts for basement

Seed and straw to keep the mud down along the driveway for now

More gravel laid down on the driveway

The drainage ditch/rip rap on the right side of the
driveway still needs a bit more work

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