Thursday, May 26, 2016

Basement walls are up

They did remove the forms and you can now see all the basement walls for the new house. There are some pillar bases poured in the area for the garages and the retaining wall at the back corner of the house as well.  It looks good!  It feels weirdly smallish (moreso to Matt than to me) but we've read that is a very common phenomenon with new construction. There's nothing else to provide a context for scale so things feel out of proportion.

Next steps will be waterproofing and roughing in the plumbing for the basement; then they'll need to backfill with dirt in the remaining space around the fountation. After that is pouring the basement slab and the foundation will be complete... We'll be onto framing, etc.

Are you tired of walking down the driveway yet?

We are not.

Front porch foundation

Garage footings/piers

Back view towards the main part of the basement

Retaining wall and back corner behind garage

The bumped out area closest here will be a storage space
with a dedicated playroom above

Waterproofing/drainage work in progress. That tall smooth
wall is the wrap around porch and will be covered
in stacked stone later in the build.

This bumped out area is the "craft" room aka extra guest
room and there's a little bathroom tucked in next to the
retaining wall

And looking back down the driveway again

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