Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Slabs done

Concrete slabs were poured today! We now have a garage floor and basement floor (or subfloor I guess). Just in time for foundation inspection tomorrow. Assuming it passes inspection, framing can start.  Just a few pics today.

Full view
Deck footer (the other two look just the same)
Full view from the back.

I got to see some new wildlife today... Right when I was turning to take the photo of the garage slab, I heard/saw something dart off from the edge of the woods back into the trees: a FOX! Up close and personal.  For a half a second I was scared (never know with rabies), but he seemed to have his senses and kept his distance, just curious about us (just Mara and Mama today).

Can you spot him here?
How about now? He was missing his tail :(

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