Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Siding complete, interior trim started

Outside the house is looking good; finally got all the board & batten siding up plus some shakes up in the main gable. With that, the exterior siding is all done, now we just wait for paint. Good progress happening inside, too. The trim crew was busy installing doors and casings and baseboards today. They were moving fast so I won't be surprised if they move on to windows and crown by tomorrow, though it will probably still take a few days. We met with the lead trim guy to go over closets and other built-ins today so I expect most of that stuff will be in the near future as well.  The tile crew also started laying bathroom floors today (but no pictures of that yet, we didn't want to be in the way). Rusty, our grading contractor, was out there today smoothing topsoil and doing some more fine grading. Still a little ways to go with that but outside does look better.  Cabinets get delivered and install for those starts on Tuesday.  Lots of progress in a short window.

Hello, siding

The sun was beating down right at the roof peak, but
this is a slightly closer view of the new siding

View of the back yard from inside the basement

Cross-supports under the deck are gone now

Basement doors with trim and baseboards

Exercise room and under-stairs closet, plus a view of
the five-panel doors we picked

Exercise room

Craft room closet and door, basebaords.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hardwoods laid, more materials arrive

Hardwoods on the main floor were more or less completed today.  Workers were hanging the board and batten on the front of the house.  We're hoping that will be complete by tomorrow.  Most of the trim and interior doors arrived as well.  Really looking forward to those going in!

Board and batten

Walkway to mudroom



Breakfast nook


Dining room

Dining room

Crown, baseboard, and casings

Interior doors

Monday, August 29, 2016

Layin' Wood

Installation of the hardwood floors on the main level started today.  Looking good thus far!  Last picture is of a mommy deer and her two fawns.

Dining room

Great room



Sunday, August 28, 2016

Front Door

Front door was installed on Friday.  Still needs to be stained, but we love it.  Second picture is a bat we found hanging out on the wall above the fireplace.  They're good at keeping the mosquitoes away so we left him alone.  Most of the other work done this past week was taping, mudding, and sanding.  Nothing too exciting or picture-worthy beyond what was already posted of the interior.  This upcoming week should be a bit more exciting with the installation of the hardwoods on the main floor and the completion of the siding on the front of the house.

Front door


Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Pond

Finally had a chance to get someone out to mow around the pond and cut back some of the brush.  Pond water is looking much clearer after removing the clog in the drain pipe.  I put a cap on the top to reduce the likelihood of another clog.

One of many frogs

Drywall day 5

Workers started mudding today.  It's amazing how quickly things moved in two days.  We didn't make it out to the house last night, but seeing the results today was well worth the wait :).

Master bath

Master shower

Master closet

Master closet

Master bedroom

Hallway closet

Mara's bedroom

Mara's closet

Buddy bath

Buddy bath tub/shower

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1

Upstairs hallway

Laundry room

Laundry room

Grandmas' room

Grandmas' tub/shower


Stairs to attic

Stairs down to 1st floor

Looking down to 1st floor

Mara's playroom


Looking up


Breakfast nook



Powder room



View out the front

Dining room


Stairs to basement


'Craft room'

Basement shower

