We break ground tomorrow.
Clearing trees along what will be the driveway and where the house will go.
Grading and moving dirt around to build up the driveway base (it's a pretty steep drop down from the street right now) and begin digging down to basement grade.
Here's what it looked like at the end of March:
Here's the exterior style we loved and wanted to emulate:
And what the house is supposed to look like when we're done:
It's been about 18 months since we seriously got busy looking for land.
About 15 months since we found the lot; just over a year since we put in an offer (but it took forever to close).
September will bring 1 full year from closing on the land and finally hiring an architect.
October, it's supposed to be done.
It feels a little unreal right now, but we'll see how it goes!