Wednesday, May 11, 2016

That time we got the deal of a lifetime on dogwood trees

We have been talking about planting dogwood trees along the driveway once construction winds down. We will have a pretty limited landscape budget so we were going to order some small saplings from a seller in Fuquay on Etsy this week. We made a quick run to WalMart to buy some large nursery pots and potting soil in anticipation... and instead we saw a whole bunch of big, healthy dogwoods on clearance for $15 each.  So we bought up all 6 they had in stock.

The only thing we didn't consider was getting them home. These things are easily 8' tall and all in good health.

Realizing it's not ideal to keep trees in their nursery pots, we will move them into some slightly larger pots with a bit more soil asap. We'll monitor them closely and keep them shaded and watered all summer. Hopefully they can handle 4 months or so in the pots until we can plant them on the lot.

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